Sunday, February 7, 2010


Source: Adapted for the Testoria Campaign from material originally published in All That Glitters (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Module UK6) (Paperback) ~ Jim Bambra (Author)

Where the Sur'Taros Mountains meet the Ashen Plains they are cut by deep canyons which join and branch in bewildering patterns. These canyons vary in width from a few feet to hundreds, or even more. Their presence makes it a major mountaineering feat to traverse the lower slopes, as characters would need to make numerous ascents and descents to travel only a few miles. Higher up the slopes the mountains are almost vertical, making them impassable except by magical means.

The Ashen Plains itself is composed of very fine, abrasive ash particles which make movement by those not accustomed to its yeilding surface very difficult. Player characters will sink to their knees in the ash and will travel at only 1/8 normal movement rate.

Fortunately where the mountains and the Ashen Plains meet there exists a solid, level, rock platform like a beach at the edge of the sea. The platform varies from a width of 100 feet to several miles and is relatively free of ash, allowing characters to travel at their normal rates. In all other respects, references to the Ashen Plains include this platform.

The ash is occasionally lifted by howling winds into abrasive storms, but even when the weather is calm, fine dust particles rise from the surface to form a kind of haze which rises to about 50 feet above the ground. The haze restricts vision at eye-level to about half a mile, but its obscuring effect diminishes rapidly with height so that mountains and especially the Yalashi Lat'et may be seen further away. Under normal circumstances the mountains and the Yalashi Lat'et may be seen looming above the haze from up to 5 miles away.

The presence of these fine ash particles in the atmosphere causes the sun to be unusually red and sky to be very blue during the day.

The dust haze will cause 1 hit point of damage per turn to any unprotected person breathing it. Characters who cover their noses and mouths with cloth will not suffer any adverse effects from it. Whenever characters move they will cause the ash to rise into the air around them, coating their clothing and hair in its fine dust.


Each character requires four waterskins (i.e. 8 pints) of water every day while in the Ashen Plains. If travelling at night, only half this quantity is required. A character loses 1 point of strength every day (or night) spent without sufficient water. They will regain 1 point per hour once they are given enough to drink.

Characters will not be able to discover any water in the Ashen Plains and will need to create water magically in order to survive.


Each day there is a 25% chance (a roll of 1 on 1d4) of a dust storm occuring in the Ashen Plains. Storms last for 1-4 hours and cause 1 hit point of damage each turn to anyone in the open. Characters sheltered from the wind in a canyon or a tent will suffer no damage. The party has an 85% chance of becoming lost if they do not halt all movement during a dust storm. Lost parties woill travel in a randomly determined direction, until they are able to find their bearings.


Yalashi Lat'et, or Pinnacle of Power (as it is known in the common tongue) is a renowned landmark of the Ashen Plains. It is a flat-topped pillar of rock, 1000 feet high and 100 feet wide at its base, tapering to 20 feet at the top. It is visible for 5 miles.

Next to it is a narrow entrance to the valley of Amon Puta. A temple is located at the far end of the valley and is all that remains of the once great civilization of Estoril.

Small Humanoid
Align: Neutral
Move: 20 ft.
HD: 1-2 (hp 6-9)
AC: 12
Attacks: +1 Sling (1d4) or +1 Bone-knife (1d4)
Special: - 50% (fighter/druid)
Saves: (F+1/R+1/W+1)
Str 12 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 10
Lvl: 1-2 (xp 99)

The Hul are small humans. In the years following the Cataclysm they adapted to the harsh conditions of the Ashen Plains. They are short and stocky. Body temperature is high (110F). To prevent water loss from sweating, they coat their bodies with a waxy substance derived from tbr roots of the Esp'pot plant. They are able to survive on only a pint of water a day.

The Hul are obsessed with water. To them it symbolizes life, wealth and,.power. Certain Hul females are able to sense and locate water up to a mile away. These diviners are also able to sense the casting of spells such as create water or create food and water, from up to 5 miles away.

The Hul live in small tribal groups consisting of:
1, 7th level fighter-leader
2-3, 5th level fighter-lieutenants
20-40, 1st level fighter-tribesmen
1-20, level female diviners
20-30, 0 level females
10-15, 0 level young
While in the Ashen Plains each Hul will carry 2 days'water in a beautifully fashioned bone and hide water bottle.

The warriors of Hul tribes are all skilled riders of giant striders, and their skill with their weapons gives them +1 on their "to hit" rolls.

The Hul speak their own language, but leaders and lieutenants also speak an archaic form of the common tongue.

The Esp'pot Plant: the Hul survive in the Ashen Plains by collecting the roots of the Esp'pot plant. This is a hardy plant that grows only in the Ashen Plains. It has a vigorous root system that extends over many miles beneath the dust. At sporadic intervals the roots push towards the surface where bushes sprout rapidly. The bushes live for only a few days before being shrivelled by the sun. During this time the Hul locate the bushes, dig down and harvest the roots.

The roots are pounded to separate fibres from the hard outer skin, leaving the mushy flesh and a waxy juice. The fibres are used to produce clothing, footwear and tents. The flesh is used to feed the Hck's underground fungus gardens and their giant striders. The juice is used as body wax which, after a few hours exposure to the air, begins to smell very unpleasant to any non-Hul.

Large Land-bird
Align: Neutral
Move: 40 ft.
HD: 2 (hp 10)
AC: 16
Attacks: Peck (1d6) or Claw (1d4)
Special: Fireball, Immune (fire) Weakness (Cold)
Saves: (F+2/R+2/W+0)
Str 12 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 8 Cha 6
Lvl: 2 (xp 111)

These large flightless, featherless birds appear as heavy ostriches. Beside each of their two dully-glowing red eyes is a small duct from which the beast can project a small fireball which does 1-6 hit points of damage. The beast can project these fireballs at the rate of two per hour (one from each duct) with accuracy as a +4 longbow, a maximum range of 50' and a burst radius of 10'.

In addition,the gient strider can attack to its front or flank with a bite for 1-6 hit points of damage or deliver a kick to its rear for 1-4 hit points of damage. It cannot, however, co-ordinate both attacks simultaneously in the same melee round and will generally launch its attack in the direction from which it was last hit.

These birds are immune to fire, magical or otherwise, and in fact their bodies have adapted to derive sustenance from warmth; consequently they are, most at home in desert and volcanic regions. Intense heat, flames, fireballs and so on act as a cure light wounds spell on them once every three rounds. As a result, giant striders pro often found wading in lava-beds or standing in the flames of a forest fire (it is possible that the phoenix legend derived from such a sight).

Conversely, cold spells and the like do an additional 2-7 hit points of damage and water (if drunk) is poison to them. Even if a cold liquid is thrown over their bodies, they will take some damage (at the discretion of the referee according to the circumstances, but normally 1-2 hit points of damage).

These creatures are used as steeds by the Hul. They are generally fearless and never check morale.


In the Ashen Plains a random encounter will occur on a roll of 1 on 1d10. Check every 6 hours. If an encounter is indicated roll ld6 to determine which encounter to use:
  1. 1-3 giant scorpions: AC 3; MV 15"; HD 5+5; hp 29 each; #AT 3; D 1-10/1-10/1- , 4; SA Poison sting; SD Nil; MR Std; Int Non; AL N; Size M; xp 824 each
  2. 2-8 firedrakes: AC 5; MV 6"/18"; HD 4; hp 15 each; #AT 1; D 2-8; SA Breath; SD Nil; MR Std; Int Semi; AL N; Size S; xp 185 each
  3. 1-4 giant spitting snakes: AC 5; mv 12t; HD 4+2; hp 20 each; #AT 1; D 1-3; SA Spitting, poison; SD Nil; MR Std; Int Animal; AL N; Size M; xp 490 each
  4. 1 ant lion: AC 2; MV 9"; HD 8; hp 38; #AT I; D 5-20; SA Automatic damage after Ist hit; SD Nil; MR Std; Int Animal; AL N; Size L; xp 955
  5. 2-5 sandmen: AC 3; MV 9"; HD 4; hp 14 each; #AT Nil; D Nil; SA Sleep; SD Protection from normal missiles; MR 20%; Int Ave; AL N(E); Size M; xp 271 each
  6. 1-4 vortices: AC 0; mv 15"; HD 2+2; hp 12 each; #AT 1; D 1-3 per round commencing on the second; SA Spin (5% cumulative chance per round of killing victim); SD Nil; MR, Std; Int Non; AL CN; Size Variable; xp 86 each

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